Unser FAVORITE Sterne­restaurant

Köstlich, akkurat und stets ein Genuss

just a few words, which describe and diversify our Michelin star restaurant
FAVORITE restaurant!

Due to the special atmosphere and our sympathetic chef, Tobias Schmitt, our gourmet guests are regularly enchanted by our versatile offer and a completely new pleasure. As a result, we were also able to convince the Guide Gault-Millau and Michelin and were awarded 3 toques and 1 Michelin star.

Portrait Tobias Schmitt - Küchenchef Sternerestaurant

Jeden Donnerstag: Chefs table by Tobias Schmitt


mit gleichen Preisen wie vor der MWST-Erhöhung!

Ihre Ansprechparnter


Opening hours

Closed days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

Wednesday - Saturday
12:00 PM to 02:00 PM and
18.30 bis 21.00 Uhr

17.07.2024 – 27.07.2024

23.10.2024 – 26.10.2024


Wine menu

mit Tobias Schmitt

Our head chef Tobias Schmitt lets you in on the secret tips of the gourmet kitchen and shows you how to cook in the same way!

Chefs Table by Tobias Schmitt

Entdecken Sie unser neues Chefs Table Angebot, welches wir Ihnen jeden Donnerstag anbieten. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!

Young Line

in the Favorite Restaurant

Book your room for the pleasure!

Unser Lunchmenü

Entdecken Sie unser Lunchmenü und erleben Sie Gaumenfreuden.

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